
1. Responsible Body
The responsible body as defined by data protection laws is CERATIZIT S.A., 101, route de Holzem, L-8232 Mamer, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
Our contact details are:
CERATIZIT S.A., 101 route de Holzem, L-8232 Mamer, Luxembourg
Share capital: EUR 17,700,000.00
Registered in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Luxembourg Register of Commerce, Register number: B-4610
Operating License Number 736 of the Ministry of the Economy of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, 19-21 Boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg
VAT identification number: LU194170-61
Tel. : +352 31 20 85-1
Fax : +352 31 19 11
2. Extent Of Data Storage
Your information helps us to continuously improve our website and our CERATIZIT services. As soon as you establish contact with us, we receive and store certain information. Among other things we - like many other websites - make occasional and partial use of so-called cookies, and we receive certain information as soon as your web browser opens our website. Cookies are specific identification markers which we transmit to your computer's hard drive or other terminal equipment to enable our systems to recognize your device. You may decide not to provide us with certain information, but this may mean you are unable to take advantage of some or all of our facilities.
3. Data Sharing
We treat the data you submit to us as confidential. If we do not receive further consent from you, we share information about you with third parties as follows:
We share information about you with affiliated companies of CERATIZIT S.A.
We share information about you with third parties if and when as we commission other companies and individuals to complete assignments for us. These third parties have access to personal information which is necessary for the completion of their assignments. However, they may not use this information for any other purpose. Furthermore, they are obligated to treat the information in a way which complies with this privacy policy and the relevant data protection laws.
We disclose customer accounts and personal data about customers when we are legally obligated to do so or when it is necessary to pass on such information in order to enforce our General Terms and Conditions of Business or other agreements or in order to protect our rights or the rights of our customers or those of third parties. This includes a data exchange with companies which specialize in preventing and minimizing misuse and credit card fraud. It is expressly clarified that in this context data is not shared with these companies for any commercial purpose which would conflict with this privacy policy.
4. Access To My Data
You can access a range of details about your interaction with CERATIZIT, and then update these details. When you update details, we usually keep a copy of your original information in our records. In accordance with the law, you also have a right of access and you can request that we delete the information we have stored about you.
5. Links To Other Websites
Our website may contain links to other websites and their professional content. These other websites are not controlled by us. You visit these websites at your own risk. CERATIZIT cannot assume responsibility or liability for such other websites and their content, which it hereby excludes, nor for their data protection practices, which it does not certify. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the privacy policies of these other websites before providing them with information about yourself or carrying out transactions with them.
6. Applicable Law And Place Of Jurisdiction
To the greatest extent permissible under applicable law, you hereby expressly agree that any proceedings arising from your use of this website, its information, its services and its content are subject exclusively to Luxembourg law. The sole place of jurisdiction is Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
7. Notes
Unless stipulated otherwise, the use of all information which we hold about you and your customer accounts is subject to this privacy policy. We reserve the right to modify this in whole or in part at certain times. If you have any questions about data protection or any other suggestions, queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to write to us.